Immune is here to help you take charge of your immunity

Common facts

Over 20 million Americans have an autoimmune disease1. And although there are more than 80 types of autoimmune diseases, it is conventionally believed that they all have a few things in common:

  1. A person’s immune system mistakenly attacks the tissues and organs it was designed to protect.
  2. The root cause of autoimmune diseases is not yet known.
  3. Hormone replacement therapy, which is usually assigned for the rest of your life, is regarded as the gold standard for treating and managing most autoimmune diseases.  
  4. There is no cure.

It can all sound discouraging…until you are well informed. 

Recent studies

Over the last few decades, a plethora of research has been conducted to find out what can help induce remission.

The findings are promising: recent research highlights the significant role of modifiable behaviors on various aspects of the immune system and autoimmune diseases. These include mild to moderate physical activity2, anti-inflammatory diets3,4,5,6, and stress management7,8. Changing the core elements of your lifestyle may sound challenging and can require a lot of consciousness, self-motivation, and discipline. But the results can be rewarding9.

What is Immune

We founded Immune, a digital health platform, for those who have been diagnosed with autoimmune conditions and are searching for answers to gain knowledge, find support, and take actions. 

We’re a team of serial tech entrepreneurs, product, marketing, and media professionals with decades of experience building successful digital products. Our medical board includes MDs and health experts with proven track records of using science-backed and cutting-edge approaches to treatment.

At Immune, we shed light on findings from recent research and provide up-to-date and evidence-based information, as well as hands-on tips on all things autoimmunity. 

With over 300 million people affected by autoimmune diseases worldwide10 and a lack of credible resources that educate people about the most recent and efficient approach to treatment, we believe we can make a difference in people’s lives.